As a holistic nutritionist, something I wish people realized more is that good skin starts on the INSIDE.
Your skin is an external reflection of what is going on internally.
All the *best* skincare in the world won’t make your skin clear and bright, unless you first focus on what’s happening inside your body.
To be fully transparent, I’ve never really struggled with my skin, thankfully. Trust me, I have plenty of other struggles. BUT, even as a holistic nutritionist doing many of the’ right things,’ my skin has never really glowed or felt “wow”…until lately!
And it hasn’t been due to skincare, in fact…my skincare + makeup routine has gotten more simple and more minimal. [A skincare teardown coming next!]
Nourish your body. Embrace your skin’s glow.
With a holistic approach of nourishing my body, focusing on the foundations, improving cellular health and addressing my body’s energy + sleep patterns, I am amazed by just how good my skin looks! It’s clear, glowing and youthful.
Even after 3 kids and let’s just say minimal sleep some nights, my skin looks better now in my 30s than in my 20s.
[For a full overview of the foundational approach explore Rooted Resilience.]

Skin is an elimination + detox pathway.
What goes in the body must come out—simple as that, but also not so simple to your gut, skin or elimination pathways. And what the body is exposed to (environmental toxins, air quality, mold) must also come out.
Remember…your skin is an external reflection of the internal picture.
Your body’s main elimination + detox pathways are…
- Kidneys (urine)
- Liver
- Skin
- Lungs
- Lymphatic system
- Digestive system

Skin symptoms are clues.
Blemishes, acne, dull skin, and premature or accelerated aging are all your body’s beautiful and brilliant signals for help! Any symptoms, physically or mentally, are clues.
Let’s play detective and put all the puzzle pieces together.
Addition vs subtraction mindset
So often when it comes to skin health, we are given a huge list of food or ingredients to avoid. We think, “oh if I just got better at avoiding gluten and dairy, my skin will finally heal.” All that mindset does is increase guilt, anxious thoughts and stress. We keep striving towards “perfection” thinking if we just did more, our skin would look great, but it never does…fully.
Think of your health and your skin like a basket. What are you adding to that basket daily or even seasonally?
Focus on what you are adding to your rhythms rather than what you are eliminating.
An addition mindset shifts your brain + body into a state of positivity and energy. A restrictive mindset shifts your brain + body into negativity and guilt.
Stress (negativity, restrictive diets, guilt) is a root cause of inflammation and hormone imbalances which are both top root causes of skin struggles.
By focusing on what you are adding to your day, you boost joy, self-confidence and oxytocin—all of which decrease stress and bring balance to the body.
Joy + bliss will radiate through your skin! Ready, set add. ➕

Why Your Diet and Nutrition Matter More Than Your Skincare Products
This is not a quick fix, overnight approach. But neither is life. With time and consistency, these daily rhythms will transform your skin and your entire physical + mental health!
Remember: your skin is simply a reflection of what is going on inside the body. Keep the internal balance and your skin will see the best results!
Here’s the inside out approach.
Support lymphatic drainage.
The lymphatic system is one of the body’s main elimination pathways.
Think of your lymphatic system like a drain—a plugged or clogged drain clogs up your body and skin, but a flowing drain keeps things clear. The lymphatic system drains out debris, bacteria, pathogens, toxins and excess hormones from the body allowing nutrients, hydration, minerals and oxygen to flow into the cells. When the drain is working properly, the ‘junk’ goes out the proper way rather than clogging up your skin cells and causing blemishes, deep acne, or clogged pores.
Yes, boosting lymphatic drainage is essential to skin health.
The best ways to boost lymphatic drainage…
- walking, jumping, running, swimming
- sweating, sauna, infrared light therapy
- deep breathing, stretching
- Gua Sha, dry brushing
- hydrating with minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium)
- deep, restorative sleep—sleeping more hours before midnight
- Castor oil packs
- lymph supportive foods: melons, apples, coconut, cilantro, parsley, celery, berries, zucchini, citrus, functional mushrooms, garlic, seaweed, aloe, beets, hibiscus, unrefined sea salt
- cold therapy: cold plunge, facial ice bath (life changing for lymphatic support, head tension, congestion and energy), hands/feet in cold water
- coffee enemas
- eating in a relaxed environment or deep breathing/prayer before eating (even if you intentionally choose one meal to eat in more peace, this small step adds up)
- massage, physical touch, hugs
*See how most of these are free? Yes, you can have a huge impact on your skin health without costing a fortune.
Sweat daily as a natural skin exfoliation.
Sweating is one of the body’s main elimination pathways and collaborates with other elimination pathways—lymphatic, kidney and skin.
Sweating brings oxygen and blood flow to the surface allowing nutrients to circulate and nourish the skin cells.
A natural exfoliation method? Sweating opens the pores and releases the junk trapped inside the pores along with it. Rather than keeping debris, grime and buildup clogged or stuck in the pores, sweating brings it to the surface and helps release the “junk”.
Aim to get in a good sweat daily by…
- exercising
- being outdoors in nature
- sauna (2-3x weekly)
- infrared light therapy
Add Hemp Flower Collagen with olive leaf extract.
This elevated hemp flower collagen has made the biggest difference in my skin and hair and a rhythm that I crave and anticipate each day—it’s so refreshing and pure tasting. My kids ask for it daily too!
More than “just collagen” or “just electrolytes” this unique and potent blend combines hemp flower extract, trace minerals for electrolytes, 3 forms of bioavailable collagen and olive leaf extract (hydroxytyrosol).
After years living in Spain and exploring the beautiful olive farms, I came to recognize the robust beauty, color and richness of the olive plant—seeing them use every part of the plant was so refreshing.
Hydroxytyrosol, a phenolic (plant) compound found in the olive plant, is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory benefits known to protect and repair the skin. Olive leaf extract is quickly rising as a popular skincare ingredient but can also be consumed internally! I drink a glass daily for energy, metabolism support, skin + hair health, mood balance and brain health.
Fun fact: hydroxytyrosol is neuroprotective and helps protect the brain + mood, keeping you focused and present. The antioxidant effects of olive leaf extract may also help with preventing damage or loss of dopamine neurons that’s associated with Parkinson’s disease as well.
My wow story with the collagen— After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s after having my first child, I have struggled with hair loss specifically in my left eye brow. Let me tell you, I have tried everything…all the things as a holistic nutritionist, and within 3 months of using the collagen, my eye brow started growing for the first time in years!!
Increase fresh vegetables + herbs.
Ok ok, I know this is hard, but hear me out! I made a conscious effort the last few months to eat fresh veggies 2x daily. After a month or so, despite the stress and exhaustion of moving, I looked at my skin and thought wow, it looks so vibrant!
[Get my meal plan system that is a total game changer!]
1. Colorful vegetables and fruits are high in antioxidants which prevent your skin from damage at a cellular level and can even help ‘reverse’ skin damage.
2. Plants are rich in fiber, prebiotic effects and polyphenols that boost healthy gut flora and cleanse excess hormones out of the body.
3. Eating a diet rich in plants keeps the cells hydrated so that nutrients and minerals can be absorbed and work efficiently inside the cells. Hydrated skin cells strengthen the skin’s barrier to protect against pathogens and bacteria.
Nourishment from mother nature—vegetables, fruits, herbs and superfoods
- tart cherries, berries, melons, coconut, dates
- basil, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, oregano
- red onions, garlic, broccoli sprouts, micro greens
- squash, beets, sweet potatoes, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, avocado
- leafy greens: arugula, chard, spinach, kale, spirulina, chlorophyll, fennel
- matcha, functional mushrooms, olives, olive leaf extract
- rosehips (found in Vitamin C), Manuka honey
But eating fresh foods is time consuming. Yes, I get it.
Honestly, it’s been so fun to play with flavors and colors! And seeing the difference in my skin, digestion and energy has been worthwhile.
The easiest way for me to eat more vegetables has been adding toppings. Addition always! 🥕🥑🍒
- Top your chicken and rice bowls with chimichurri, pesto, tabbouleh, tzatziki or guacamole.
- Sprinkle fresh basil, micro greens or sprouts on your sandwich, eggs or avocado toast.
- Roast a big tray of squashes, veggies, roots and potatoes and top with feta cheese, olives and your favorite sauce from above!
- Put a handful of arugula, spinach or greens at the bottom your pasta bow (the hot pasta + sauce will wilt the veggies without any extra dishes or clean up).
See how fun nourishing can be?!
Start an anti-inflammatory daily hemp wellness routine.
Truly my daily, holistic non-negotiable! This is the foundation of balance—energy, neurological function, hormones, mood, skincare. With a strong foundation, your body has the energy and capacity to fine tune your other goals and desires for health.
All skin issues go back to inflammation. CBD, a powerful anti-inflammatory, calms internal inflammation to allow your skin to glow from within!
Daily Nano Jellies: your baseline of balance, these absorb 90-100% in the gut, compared to most brands on the market that absorb 3-10%. Decrease inflammation, calm stress and overstimulation, balance hormones and boost energy.
Hemp Flower Collagen: my afternoon perk me up full of nourishing amino acids to balance blood sugar and metabolism and electrolytes to keep you hydrated! Collagen is a foundational nutrient that can improve skin elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and help support hair growth. Did you know, as women we start aging at 25 and collagen production decreases?! Yes, drink up!
Choose matcha over caffeinated coffee.
Doesn’t matcha just look like a skin elevating superfood?! The beautiful green color of matcha boosts anti-inflammatory properties. Notice a trend here? Skin health is all about reducing internal inflammation.
If you are tempted to reach for an afternoon cup of coffee, try matcha instead. You’ll feel a focused, pure sense of energy rather than the quick spike and crash of coffee.
Matcha is also high in vitamin B2 which naturally boosts collagen production—pair your daily matcha with a glass of hemp flower collagen for the ultimate skin, mood and energy boost!
Make: Iced Lavender Matcha with Rose Cold Foam >
Get your beauty sleep earlier than later.
As you sleep, your body naturally detoxes, facial muscles relax, digestion takes a much needed rest, blood flow increases to the skin cells and cortisol is calmed. Lack of sleep raises cortisol which increases inflammation.
Getting into bed and falling asleep earlier rather than later shifts the body into a deeper sleep state, so you get “more” out of your sleep and wake up feeling rested. If you aren’t asleep by 10/11pm, your body thinks, hey there must be an emergency because I’m not asleep and spikes cortisol. This confuses circadian rhythms so you often feel wired at night and tired in the morning.
Try shifting bedtime to the earlier side, even by 15 minutes and see how your sleep quality shifts! How do you feel?
If you have been in a season of sleep deficit, rebuilding sleep and energy can take time.
Get all the holistic sleep tips >

- What is holistic skincare nutrition?
- Holistic skincare nutrition focuses on consuming nutrients and balancing the body’s stress and resilience to enhance skin health from the inside out, emphasizing a balanced diet over topical treatments alone.
- How does what I eat affect my skin?
- The nutrients from your diet can improve skin hydration, elasticity, and reduce signs of aging by combating oxidative stress and inflammation.
- What are the best foods for healthy skin?
- Colorful foods rich in antioxidants, minerals like potassium, magnesium, selenium and vitamins C, E, and A, are essential for maintaining healthy skin.
- Can nutrition really improve my skin more than skincare products?
- Yes, while skincare products are important, a proper diet provides the necessary nutrients that help repair and maintain skin health at a deeper, cellular level.
- What supplements should I consider for better skin health?
- Supplements like collagen (be careful with sourcing), hemp flower, olive leaf extract (hydroxytyrosol), potassium, vitamin C, evening primrose oil, functional mushrooms, herbs that encourage liver function, and probiotics can complement your diet for improved skin health.
Reach out to get your personalized, holistic plan >
Embrace the Journey to Radiant Skin
Embarking on a journey towards radiant skin through holistic nutrition is not just about enhancing your external appearance; it’s a commitment to nurturing your body from the inside out. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods and thoughtful supplementation, you empower your skin to mirror the vitality of your overall health. Remember, beautiful skin is a reflection of a well-nourished body. Stay consistent, be patient with the process, and watch as your natural glow emerges, making every glance in the mirror a testament to the loving care you provide your body every day.

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