resilient health

Resilient Health: Moving Beyond Symptoms toward Healing








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Resilience. 🌳✨

This word keeps resurfacing, coming up in podcasts, advertising, messages from friends and Sunday sermons.

Resilience brings me back to my goal of providing holistic wellness solutions isn’t to simply survive life or endure through daily life and life’s hard seasons, but to grow through them!

The goal of “health” isn’t to prevent or suppress sickness. The goal of health is to shift the body into a place where it navigates sickness with more ease.

This is resilient health.

A spirit of resilience is a measure of persistence, capacity and energy to navigate disruptions and still keep blooming in life.

Resilient health isn’t about having picture perfect days, resilience is about how you surface on the other side.

How do you build resilience in your body, mind and wellness?

Build Lasting Resilient Health with a Strong, Foundational Approach

Over the past few years I have shifted from thinking about particular symptoms to addressing the whole health of the body. Not just analyzing one symptom or one area of our health, but rather holistic wellness solutions that asks the question: “what does this symptom reveal about my entire body?”

This foundational approach starts with the brain and nervous system.

*If you only take away one thing from all these words, remember this: Your body is pretty wondrous, resilient and strong!!*

A perspective of resilient health strengthens the foundation to allow the body to do what it naturally can, and wants, to do—heal, have energy, experience the fullness of life.

Picture your brain and nervous system as the foundation of your house. A strong foundation allows you to ‘weather the storms’ of life with more ease.

Your nervous system (brain + spinal cord) is the foundation.

The command center.

The computer processor.

The airport control tower.

The strong roots of an oak tree.

What happens to a house with a flimsy foundation? It may hold together on the easy days. It may even stay standing though the season’s first storm. It can handle a little rain, even some wind. BUT with time, and with fiercer storms, the foundation will crumble.

Sound familiar?

With a weak foundation, YOU can only stay “afloat” for so long.

You push through, grab another coffee, take a break on the weekends, try the latest hack for more productivity, take another vitamin, start another restrictive diet.

Without first addressing the health of our brain and nervous system, no amount of money, self-discipline or the latest “bio-hack” will work.

^ How freeing is that? Take a load off your plate. 

Join us for Rooted Resilience: a 10 part series to build a strong foundation to navigate day-to-day life with more ease.

Instead of ‘healing’ harder, let’s focus on ‘healing’ smarter.

Want to heal your gut? 👉🏽 Start with your nervous system.

Want to detox efficiently? 👉🏽 Start with your nervous system.

Want to balance your hormones? 👉🏽 Start with your nervous system.

Want to have more energy, sleep better and decrease anxious thoughts? 👉🏽 Start with your nervous system.

Let’s say a client comes to me with a digestive issue—only focusing on digestion is going to backfire long term, because it’s not addressing WHY the digestive issue is there in the first place. 

Your digestion wants to work for you. When the brain + nervous system are in a place of balance and capacity, they can handle the rough stuff—stress, processed foods, bacteria, toxins, pathogens, parasites, etc—with more ease AND with more efficiency.

So to the client wanting to work on digestion, oh yes we will do that, but we will start with shifting the body’s stress response and nervous system into a place to successfully handle both the digestion symptoms and the holistic wellness solutions with more ease.

This way, we can do more by doing less. We can set you up for long term success and resilient health!

To Bloom in Resilient Health, You Must First Nourish the Roots

* Roots before flowers.

Your brain + nervous system are the strong roots of the tree.

Your hormones, energy, sleep, mood balance, detox, digestion, skin, immune response, joy, self control are the blossoming flowers of the tree.

You can’t grow flowers without growing roots first!

How Does Building Resilience Affect Your Health?

*To explore each of these topics in depth, join our (free) Rooted Resilience series.

In Rooted Resilience we will explore how…

The success of ALL the other systems and organs in your body relies on the success of your brain + nervous system. 

What no wellness program is telling you? You cannot heal the body when the brain + nervous system is in a state of dysfunction.

Symptoms are signals, clues, a hand raised for help. Overwhelm is a signal.

Your symptoms are your body’s brilliant way of signaling you something needs attention, not something you have done wrong! Stress shrinks your brain (quite literally). 

When your brain + body feels safe, it can ride the waves of stress with more ease.

Problem: stress is shifting our body into fear mode, defense mode.

Solution: micro moments to shift your body to safe mode.

Staying grounded in the present moment releases anxiety of the future or fears of the past. 

You’ll have more energy for the moment, more energy for healing, more energy for rational thought.

Your cravings are not entirely a self-control issue.

How freeing is that? Your brain is signaling you for help!

Let’s figure out together how to build your strong foundation rooted in resilience!

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In Full Bloom is a digital journal encouraging you to thrive, not just survive, and find joy in nourishing your whole self—mind, body and soul. Imagine we were sipping iced matcha lattes together and catching up like lifelong friends. Let's cultivate conscious living together.

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