How to Actually Stick with Your Healthy Eating Resolutions








It’s February…what? Remember those goals and resolutions you made in January? Yes, yes, I am talking to you!

It is easy to let life get in the way, to make excuses (I just don’t do excuses!) and to fall off the healthy eating train and jump on into the chocolate bar, bag of chips eating train!

Well, you all know I don’t do diets, I just do really good (healthy) food and challenging yourself to be the best version of yourself each and everyday.  So today is today, doesn’t matter if it is January anymore, the decision is still up to you!

Here are my top pieces of encouragement to you to make healthy eating LAST in the long run, make it a lifestyle and make it fun, because life should be fun!

How to Actually Stick with Your Healthy Eating Resolutions

Eat More Fat

Now, I know that this sounds crazy, but eating good quality fats like grass-fed butter, ghee, grass-fed beef, egg yolks, coconut oil and avocados will actually help you loose weight! Plus they taste great, I mean can you imagine a world without butter?!

Healthy fats satisfy you, so if you often find yourself hungry after a meal, you probably didn’t eat enough fats with that meal! So add a pad of butter to your roasted sweet potatoes, drizzle on some Hollandaise sauce or my personal favorite, top it with an egg!

Also, always eat a bed time snack—one rich in good quality fats or protein.  My favorite is a handful of macadamia nuts or a slice of raw cheese.

Treat Yourself

Eat dessert, enjoy a square of dark chocolate, and savor that last bite of creamy cheese cake.  Now, when I say dessert, I mean dessert made with good quality ingredients and sweetened with natural sweeteners like raw honey or maple sugar, like all the desserts you will find on my blog.

If you treat yourself occasionally you will majorly boost your self control and that is probably going to be your best friend in sticking with a healthy lifestyle.  When you occasionally enjoy good quality treats, you will be able to say no to junk food and trust me, it will be a whole lot easier knowing that you have grain-free goodies waiting for you at home.

Keep in mind a Paleo cookie, is still a cookie, but you have to find a balance that works for YOU!  I often see people try too hard to “diet”, but what if we focused on enjoying, living, longevity and the joy that life brings instead of a stringent set of rules?

So indulge and indulge carefully (I mean the grain-free, refined sugar free type of indulge), because in the words of Julia Child…”A party without cake is really just a meeting.”

My favorite treats:

Just Say NO

Say no to the bun that comes with your hamburger that really isn’t worth it.  Say no to the donuts that are passed around the office on Friday mornings (and please don’t worry about the weird looks you may get, because chances are you will feel better than them).  Say no even to that last 2 bites that sometimes can push you over the edge. If eating a bun with your hamburger or giving into that not so great sugar cookie is going to matter in a year from now then eat it, but chances are…it is not!

…And remove the stress! Say no to doing everything and being everything for everyone. You are not super man, so don’t try to pretend…unless you have a really cool cape, then I guess you can pretend!

Don’t Make it Complicated

Healthy eating does not have to be complicated.  Don’t get too overwhelmed by all the labels or worrying if you are eating too many eggs, chances are you aren’t! Just stick to the basics, fill your plate with a good quality protein source and fresh, colorful vegetables, then flavor to your desire.  When in doubt, start with an onion, some fresh garlic and olive oil—the rest will come to you!

Protein I always keep on hand:

  • Chicken Thighs
  • Italian Sausage
  • Eggs
  • Ground Beef

Find a Passion

When you are living a fulfilling life and going after your dreams, you will spend less time thinking about food, unless you are me and dream of breakfast all the time!  But really, on the days that are most satisfying to me, I really don’t think about snacks or desserts, the foods that often bring our healthy eating down a notch, because I am simply too busy.

So get moving, go for a sunset walk, take that yoga class, find a passion, soak up the sunshine, put your dreams into reality, because all of this is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Turn Up the Flavor

Please tell me not one of you is still eating bland chicken breasts with steamed broccoli, because no, just no! Food is meant to be fun and flavorful, and I truly won’t accept the excuse that healthy eating is boring or lacking in flavor!  If you still need convincing, you can hang out with me on Instagram!

If you don’t know when to start, follow my favorite advice, “When in doubt, more butter, more garlic and more salt!”  So roast, toast, drizzle, dip and sprinkle because food needs flavor!

My favorite flavor boosters:

Ask for help!

Quite often people have an underlying issue or just need a bit of encouragement to start!  So be willing to ask for help, be willing to have your significant other or your friend keep you accountable.  You don’t have to do it all alone!

And if you need or want help, contact me today about one-on-one nutrition consulting!

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In Full Bloom is a digital journal encouraging you to thrive, not just survive, and find joy in nourishing your whole self—mind, body and soul. Imagine we were sipping iced matcha lattes together and catching up like lifelong friends. Let's cultivate conscious living together.

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