They say a picture is worth a thousand words—sometimes when words are difficult to write or even find the motivation to express, it is a picture of joyful moments that tell the story. This past month has been difficult to say the least and as I was laying in a hospital bed I found comfort and strength in looking at pictures on my phone—pictures of family, friends, memories, beaches, farmers markets, quite breakfast mornings, and dinner table feasts. Those pictures gave me comfort when I felt my world crashing around me. I am thankful for family and friends helping me through a difficult time and encouraging me not to give up. When my husband was deployed last year, he gave me a bracelet that was engraved with the words “choose joy” something that has been a constant reminder to me. Choosing joy isn’t always easy but worth it in the end!
As most of you may know, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a few years ago. The months that followed my initial diagnosis were dark and difficult. I felt alone and didn’t want to share what was happening in my life because I thought it was embarrassing. Through endless encouragement from my family, nutritionist and friends, and a lot of discipline on my part, I was able to slowly wean myself off insulin by sticking to a very strict diet. {I am not saying that changing your diet can get rid of type 1 diabetes or an autoimmune disease, but in my life I have seen first hand the effects of diet, nutrition and lifestyle in helping the symptoms of an autoimmune condition.}
Well, this past month after two and a half years of being insulin free & feeling fabulous, I found myself in the ICU in a diabetic autoimmune flare up—barely able to walk, talk or open my eyes. After talking with countless doctors, who said they had never heard of anyone managing diabetes with diet and nutrition, they believed that 2 bouts of the flu and many high stress situations over the past few months caused this flare up. I must admit having to go back on insulin (even though it is the smallest amount) was discouraging. I felt like I lost and if you know me, you know I never give up! But right now this insulin is what my body needs and I am beyond thankful for the amazing doctors and nurses that tended to me in the hospital!
But, more importantly, I am not giving up. If my time in the hospital taught me anything, it taught me that I want to share my story instead of being embarrassed about my condition. There are so many people who suffer from diabetes and don’t know how much their diet and daily meals affect them. I know that there is not a cure for this disease, but I do believe that eating real food and proper nutrition can greatly influence my daily life—and that is something I will never stop believing in! Thankfully by continuing to eat strictly grain, gluten and refined sugar free, I have already able to lower my insulin need by well over half in just two short weeks!
When I shared my health journey with Primal Palate a few months back, I said I was thankful for diabetes. Yes, I know that sounds so strange, but in a sense I am thankful for this disease. It has given me a platform for helping others and developed passions that I never thought would exist such as photography or even cooking. I have been taking life slow recently, learning to rest and slowly getting back into what I love doing—encouraging others to a joyful side of healthy eating and nutrition. I am so excited to share some recipes and nutrition tips with you all as part of my constant health journey and healing process in hopes that it inspires you!
Last week, I picked up my camera for the first time in a while, and as I clicked away my heart filled with joy and all my worries seemed to disappear. I have learned that choosing joy despite life’s circumstances isn’t always the easiest choice, but it sure is the best choice! But for now I will leave you with a sneak peak of some recipes coming soon—moments of creativity that have filled my days with joy and brought a passion for photography and nutrition back into my life, because after all sometimes words are better expressed through pictures!
“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself!”
hi caroline! i am so sorry you landed in the hospital. i sincerely hope you are on your way to feeling better. i too was diagnosed with type 1 a few years ago and except for when i was pregnant, have never been on insulin. i am always afraid that i may end up in a similar situation. it is such a scary thought that is always following me around. i can only hope that diet and exercise is keeping me healthy (relatively) but with three small children making time for that can be a challenge. i have never met another t1d that managed without insulin, and i cannot find a doctor that will treat me or run my labs unless i agree to send them blood sugars and get on insulin. no thanks!
if you ever want to talk or trade stories let me know! i am curious what other, if any, health issues you are dealing with. good luck and i hope you are back on your feet in no time!
Hi Rebecca! So great to hear from you and your story 🙂 Insulin is for sure necessary and what I need right now, but I hope one day to slowly wean myself off of it again, but you never know! send me an email and we will for sure chat soon!
Hi Caroline! I am so glad to hear that you are doing better and feeling better! Your positive attitude, delicious recipes, and beautiful photography are continually an inspiration tho me! I love that bible verse:) Praying for you! 😀
Thank you Macy!!!
Your blog beautiful and I am excited to explore it more! Choosing joy in spite of suffering is difficult but it is much better than grumbling and complaining. I hope you continue to feel better. You sure looked good at the shower!