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Why I love being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP)








Oh Portland—you are just fabulous.  “Eat all the things!” But really…

This past weekend I went to Portland to speak at the Nutritional Therapy Association’s conference.  It was really a refreshing weekend being around like minded, talented and passionate people.  Seriously, the food and nutrition community is full of genuinely nice people, and I am thankful for that!

Being at the conference reaffirmed why I love my “credentials” so to speak.  I feel sometimes in the food and nutrition community things get controversial—people are get all hung up about one detail or why we should eliminate certain foods.  I quite often feel they miss the point of cultivating a healthy lifestyle.

But being an NTP is the opposite of just that, and that is really what stood out to me this weekend!  We as NTPs genuinely want to make a difference in the world—genuinely want to help people.  We as NTPs recognized that everyone is different and finding ways to encourage and help them through a health struggle or lifestyle change is always at the center of everything.

My NTP training and credentials and the foundation of everything I do—the fact that I eat butter and egg yolks and feel fabulous about it, my work with clients, my cookbookpodcast, and a huge part of my story of managing and thriving with Type 1 Diabetes.

I started off my presentation (Why You Should Abandon Dieting and Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle) with this picture—yes, you are all probably wondering why a picture of my golden retriever is in a nutrition talk.  But, I honestly couldn’t find a better way to represent the joy and freedom that a healthy lifestyle brings!

I am going to be bringing you all this info in some manner soon, so be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get the details as they happen!

If you have ever considered a career or even just a side passion in nutrition and helping others, I can’t recommend the Nutritional Therapy Association enough! You will be joining a great tribe of people, who truly care! (oh and be sure to mention that Caroline Potter sent you!).

Got to meet my favorite, Liz Wolfe! She is TOO fabulous! Got to meet my favorite, Liz Wolfe! She is TOO fabulous! Why yes that was one of my presentation slides, told you it was fabulous! Why yes that was one of my presentation slides, told you it was fabulous!

The Food

Now I know, I know you really want to know about the food…because food is fun and makes me happy! Please tell me you agree!

I have eaten at a lot of restaurants in Portland but these were my favorites this time:

  • The Maple Parlor—a self serve frozen yogurt store…its heaven (they have Paleo, low-glycemic and vegan options).
  • Verde Cucina—farm to table, fresh Mexican cuisine with gluten free and Paleo options.  Love the atmosphere too!
  • Reverend’s BBQ—burnt end deviled eggs.  Yes, we ordered 3 platefuls
  • Olympia Provisions—my absolute new favorite restaurant.  Charcuterie was beyond amazing!

My Cookbook

I was so honored that my cookbook, All American Paleo Table, actually sold out at the conference.  Wow you people blow me away, and I am truly humbled that you all invite me into your kitchens!

I left a few signed copies at my all time favorite childhood favorite store, Powell’s Bookstore!

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  1. Kait Hanson says:

    It sounds like you had such a great time with an added bonus of creativity 🙂

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