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5 Ways to Support Your Adrenals After Baby | Flourish Blog

5 Ways to Support Your Adrenal Health Postpartum








Oh mama, you created a baby. Through the tears of exhaustion and getting to know your new body, let that sink in for a moment. Pause, breathe and relish in the miracle you created. 

The postpartum season is a beautiful juxtaposition—beautiful because of the miracle baby you get to snuggle but also difficult as the exhaustion, emotional roller coaster, and thoughts of “will I ever sleep again” set in – and you may be wondering, what all this have to do with my Adrenal Health and nervous system? Do I have Adrenal Fatigue? So here are 5 Ways to Support Your Adrenal Health and Avoid Adrenal Fatique Postpartum.

Mother holding baby and supporting adrendal health postpartum

Although a beautiful miracle, pregnancy and postpartum are incredibly stressful seasons on the body—our bodies were designed for short periods of stress but not the prolonged stress that motherhood can be. Adrenal fatigue happens when the body has experienced heightened stress and can’t fully keep up with the demands.


Why do women deal with adrenal fatigue postpartum?

Your body brilliantly prioritizes nourishing your baby over you, and that’s the beauty of motherhood. You brought life into this world. But this also comes at a cost to your long-term health and energy.

Adrenal fatigue happens when the body has experienced heightened stress and can’t fully keep up with the demands. Creating a human, birthing a human, and nurturing your sweet tiny human earth-side requires a lot of energy and nutrients…especially when sleep isn’t abundant.

Signs of postpartum adrenal fatigue:

  • difficulty falling asleep
  • difficulty staying asleep (even if baby is sleeping)
  • hair loss
  • unexplained weight gain 
  • fatigue
  • brain fog, difficulty concentrating, forgetfullness
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • overwhelm
  • lack of desire for things you once enjoyed

Get your Postpartum Replenishment Guide >

Happy mother postpartum holding infant in field.

So often we focus on the wellness of the baby, but I’d argue that postpartum health is equally, if not more important!  You see, if you go down, your baby will suffer as a result!  Remember that the better you feel postpartum, the better you will be able to take care of your baby. 

Postpartum, moms are at an increased risk for developing depression and anxiety, especially when exhausted. I’ve been there with all 3 of my babies and the emotions are always ehanced when I’m feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and worn out.

But what does actually nourishing your body and practicing self care look like in the postpartum season? Instead of saying “focus on self care” here’s some practical tips!

Mother bonding with baby and smiling - a sign of a good adrenal health

5 Ways to Support Your Adrenal Health Postpartum and Avoid Adrenal Fatique

*Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, please consult with your doctor or medical professional first.*

After giving birth, it is important to focus on supporting your adrenal health. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and reducing stress. It is extremely important to take some time for yourself and do things that make you happy. This might include reading, taking a relaxing bath, spending time with friends and family, or simply anything that you enjoy doing!

Here are different ways in which you can help your adrenal health and improve your hormone imbalance. Here are our favorite ways to do it.

Snuggle Your Baby

Oxytocin, the love hormone, is released when breastfeeding, snuggling or hugging! It’s great for postpartum health—mentally and physically! So snuggle that sweet baby and baby wear!! I adore this carrier and it’s so supportive of your back.

Oxytocin and cortisol (the stress hormone) are on opposing teams, so when one goes up the other goes down—translation: when you boost your oxytocin, you naturally decrease your cortisol and thus help your adrenal health. Yes, snuggling can calm anxiety and boost energy.

Incorporate Specific Nutrients for Postpartum Adrenal Health and Support

Your body just grew a human (crazy!) and if you are breastfeeding you are STILL growing a human.  That sweet baby is stealing ALL of your nutrients, so you need to replenish nutrients postpartum (which takes about 2-3 years).

Read: Natural Remedies to Ease Postpartum Stress

Here are some important postpartum adrenal health support nutrients: 

  1. Postpartum Restorative Tonic | A unique and comprehensive blend of nutrients, this divine sweet syrup combines nutrient dense, iron-building herbs with restorative, balancing adaptogens. One and done, it’s easy to take a “shot” each day without any extra cleanup or time. You’ll feel restored physically and balanced mentally.
  2. CBD | CBD has been the single most powerful tool for me both postpartum and in motherhood in general. CBD directly balances the central nervous system, helping calm anxious thoughts, get deeper sleep and restore energy. It makes the waves of stress, responsibilities and exhaustion easier, you simply don’t notice them as much—it takes a short fuse and turns it into a longer fuse, so that you can respond more rationally and calmly. Get $10 off >
  3. Magnesium | The body’s “anti-stress mineral,”is responsible for countless body functionings and greatly reduces stress (thus boosting your adrenal functioning).  Due to poor soil quality, our food does not contain as many minerals as it once did—many women are deficient in magnesium. I love magnesium lotion and dark chocolate too (if you are craving it postpartum now you know why).
  4. Vitamin C is used up more rapidly to make cortisol during periods of stress (aka pregnancy + postpartum).  I recommend Pure Radiance Vitamin C as it is a pure and bioavailable source, so actually going to use in your body!
  5. Ashwaghanda is an adaptogen that has been used for centuries and works to calm the body when needed and boost energy when needed.  It helps support healthy energy levels and cognitive functioning as well as encourages a calming sense of well-being.  Ashwaghanda has long been used in Ayurvedic therapies to support lactation and postpartum. This Postpartum Restorative Tonic contains a beautiful and targeted blend of adaptogens and more specifically to nourish postpartum.

Run a HTMA test

As you look at your baby, thinking about each sweet body part that YOU created—your baby’s toes, heart beat, brain, eyes, belly…all came from you mama, and that required nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Baby takes what they need, the beautiful part of the process, but that can leave you mama with some serious nutrient deficiencies.

HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a non-invasive and cost effective way to understand your specific nutrient imbalances. Minerals are the spark plugs for every interaction in the body, including your body’s energy production.

HTMA tells us how minerals and nutrients are actually working in the body and cells. Blood work gives us a snapshot of what is circulating in the body. HTMA tells us how the body is effectively using those minerals.

For example, let’s say you have a thyroid blood panel done, and everything is “in range.” BUT you have symptoms and you don’t feel yourself. Goodness, I’ve been there so many times myself. Well HTMA could show us that those minerals aren’t in balance, or aren’t being used properly by the cells, so your thyroid hormones don’t have what they need to be worthwhile. Hence, your symptoms.

Book your HTMA consult >

Adrenal health: Ask for Specific Help

As the mother, you are (most likely) the baby’s primary caregiver, especially if you are breastfeeding. But YOU have to take care of yourself and ask for help—this often sounds cliche but it is true. The first step is allowing people to help us, especially those who are new mothers. 

Maybe that is having a friend come to watch your little one so you can take a long, hot shower or bath. A little time to yourself does wonders.

Maybe it’s getting takeout or actually taking your neighbor up on that home-cooked meal. 

Maybe you need to pump once daily and have someone else take over one of your baby’s feedings (breastfeeding creates such an intense bond, but sometimes that beauty is also draining). 

People are offering to help for a reason—because they truly want to help! Give them specific tasks like unloading the dishwasher, folding a basket of laundry, driving you to the doctor, picking up takeout, or coming over for 1 hour so you can nap. Getting specific with exactly what you need helps you but also makes your helper feel fulfilled.

Remember, you are not weak for asking or accepting help, you are strong enough to realize that you will be a better mom and woman when you do! Taking a few chores off your plate can do amazing things for your adrenal health postpartum. 

Breathe and Go for a Walk

Taking 10 deep breaths fills your body with oxygen and calms your stress hormones and adrenal glands. Incorporating low-impact movements like breathing, stretching, or walking is the best exercise for postpartum and your adrenal glands.  High-intensity workouts like running should be saved for the future as they can actually increase your stress hormones.

Exercise boosts your endorphins making you happy and calm. Physical exercise is studied to be more effective than medication for depression and anxiety. Postpartum can bring all the emotions and exhaustion—that’s ok mama, remember it is a season.  Go for a walk, soak in the fresh air, say positive affirmations to yourself and your baby—also babies love fresh air and movement…your little one will probably sleep better after some outside time!

Do you have any tips for restoring energy postpartum?

Cover image of the Postpartum Replenishment Guide - 5 Ways to Support Your Adrenal Health Postpartum

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