Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, I have to go back to what I teach and encourage all my clients—breathe deep and take a moment for you. I’ve majorly been feeling overwhelmed this season for so many reasons and the overwhelming feeling can sometimes get the best of me. So last Sunday before the start of the new week, I wrote down a few things that make me feel calm and joyful.
I thought I would share this list with you and encourage you to take a few moments for yourself during this busy season!! You’ve got this!
Relax & Recharge: 7 Tips to Refresh Your Jam Packed Days
1 Take 20 Minutes—life is hectic and there is always something to do right?! But you HAVE to take time for yourself. If you are feeling down, frustrated, anxious or just not yourself, I encourage you to take 20 minutes away from the hustle and bustle. Go for a walk, sit and stare at a wall or if you only have 5 minutes, do some meditation or breathing exercises. Intentionally set aside a few moments to yourself, sans your cell phone, each day!
2 Put Your Feet in the Air—ok this may seem so silly, but we used to do this in ballet class and it is SO relaxing. Lay with your back on the ground, bum against the wall and put your feet in the air, allowing the wall to support them. This position puts your body into a parasympathetic, or relaxed state, and trust me, you will feel it!!
3 Drive Through the Countryside—driving on an open road is so peaceful to me. Something about driving just calms me down (avoid traffic at all costs through!). If you need a moment to relax, consider heading out for a drive or go drive around and look at the festive Christmas lights! Bonus points: if your baby needs to sleep, he/she might fall asleep quickly in the car giving you a break!
4 Sip on Something Delightful—a cozy, comforting drink always puts me in the best mood. I love decaf coffee with lots of cream or iced matcha with a splash of pure vanilla on warmer days. Make your favorite drink and force yourself to sit down and breathe for a few moments!
5 Participate in a Pilates or Yoga Class—having a consistent workout routine that brings you joy is key! I always feel so calm after my bi-weekly pilates class and it is one of the few moments each week when I can tune out the rest of life’s demands.
6 Head Outdoors—fresh air not only calms the spirit but also gives you a good dose of Vitamin D which is essential for your health. If it’s too cold to head outdoors, make sure to open all your blinds and even sit by the window to soak in the sunshine, or just bundle up…I promise you will feel better after some fresh air!
7 Make Bed Time a Priority—there is always something more to be done…trust me, my list is endless. But tired people don’t perform as well, and aren’t as happy. So just get in bed!! Tomorrow is a new day. Make your bed time ritual a relaxing one with a soak in this Flower Bath, a facial with this Cleansing Balm or a cup of hot chamomile tea.

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