Ok, are you ready for one of my TOP (& so simple) hormone balancing tips?

^ If if sounds crazy, I can relate—seed cycling sounded like nonsense before I personally saw positive results as well as hormone balance in my clients. Each time, I’ve been surprised by the amazing benefits.
Seed cycling for hormones was the one thing that regulated my cycle after close to 2 years postpartum with my first child. I had tried just about everything and within 3 months of consistently seed cycling, my cycle finally regulated!
Best advice (and what I tell ALLLL my hesitant clients)…just jump in, fully commit and DO IT! You’ll notice a difference if you fully commit for a few months.
I also started syncing my skincare routine to my cycle and it’s a GAME CHANGER!

What is Seed Cycling for Hormones?
Seed cycling for hormones is a holistic nutrition-based method of eating certain seeds during the phases of your menstrual cycle to balance your estrogen and progesterone! In a balanced hormone cycle, estrogen should rise during the first half and progesterone should rise during the second half.
Female hormones change daily (unlike men’s hormones which remain constantly stable) which means our nutritional and emotional needs as women also change daily!
A proper balance of estrogen and progesterone is key to a healthy, regulated cycle as well as decreasing those not so fun symptoms!
The specific nutrients in seeds—flax, pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame—contain the right nutrients each phase of your hormone cycle needs!
Seeds are rich in vitamin E, omega 3 + 6, zinc, selenium, and lignans all of which regulate estrogen and progesterone and help support the liver and hormone detoxification process too that happens throughout the month.

The Benefits of Seed Cycling For Hormones
This will clearly look different for each person, and seed cycling is just one tool in your holistic toolkit‚ it’s not a magic solution! A nutrient dense diet, limiting endocrine disruptors commonly found in beauty and cleaning products, reducing stress and getting adequate sleep are all equally important puzzle pieces.
Seed cycling for hormones helps…
- regulate monthly hormone cycle
- decrease hormonal acne
- decrease in period cramps
- less frequent + severe hormonal migraines—the worst and I truly suffer
- boosted fertility—I am NOT saying seed cycling will make you fertile or easily conceive by any means, but a regulated cycle is one key component of fertility, and seed cycling does help regulate cycles!
Take it a step further and Sync Your Skincare Routine to Your Cycle to match your hormone needs!

How to Seed Cycle for Hormone Balance
Learning how to seed cycle properly is the first step! Like with anything holistic, this isn’t an overnight fix. On average it takes about 3-4 cycles to start to see changes.
Phase 1: follicular phase
start of menstruation: days 1-14 of your cycle
- 1-2 tbsp raw flaxseed per day
- 1-2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds per day
Phase 2: luteal phase
start of ovulation: days 14-28 of your cycle
- 1-2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds, daily
- 1 tbsp raw sesame seeds, daily
*the exact days will really come down to your unique cycle and timeline. If your cycle is not regulated that’s ok, give it your best estimate. Start each seed phase with either the start of menstruation or start of ovulation until your cycle begins to become more regular.
How to seed cycle without a regular cycle?
This might sound crazy but because the female cycle and moon cycle are similar in length, often our cycles correspond with the moon. If you do not have a cycle or a regularly timed cycle, go with the moon cycle until your menstrual cycle returns or normalizes. Seed cycling can be great to start after a few months postpartum, or if you are looking to regulate your cycle length. Phase 1 or “day 1 of your cycle” would be the new moon.

How to actually eat all those seeds?!
^^ This can seem like a lot of seeds to eat but just do your best—eating some is better than eating none. Don’t stress on exact measurements, typically I just add a large spoonful. Done is better than perfect!
You want to avoid (to the best of your ability) eating the seeds not in your time cycle during the other phases. For example, if you are in the first half of your cycle, try to avoid adding sunflower seeds to your salad. Life happens but do the best you can!
Choose organic, raw fresh when possible. Fresh seeds have the most bio-available nutrients. I personally love seed cycling with sprouted seeds because they have the best taste and texture and sprouting makes them more easily digestible. Grinding them also increases fatty acid absorption so feel free to blend them into smoothies.
You can add these to oatmeal, granola, salads, yogurt bowls, smoothies or make energy balls.
Oil Supplements to Add for an Extra Boost
You also want to increase your fatty acids (through supplementation) according to your cycle.
<< For all my recommended + trustworthy supplements, view them on Fullscript and shop my protocols at 10% off! >>
Phase 1
- 1-2 capsules Fish Oil, daily
Phase 2
- 1-2 capsules Evening Primrose Oil, daily
Q: How long does it take for seed cycling to work?
A: Typically you will notice benefits within 3 cycles. Because we have to wait monthly for our cycle, this isn’t a quick process but a long term approach.
Q: How long should I do seed cycling?
A: This is something you can do as long as you are having an active cycle. Or if you ever start to notice hormonal swings, start it up again, just know it will take a few cycles to see results. Seed cycling for hormones is truly a holistic approach to bring balance.
Q: Is seed cycling safe?
A: YES! You are simply eating real food, just more on a schedule rather than a random approach. Seeds are super foods packed with so many nutrients, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, protein and fiber.
Q: Where can I purchase the best seeds for seed cycling?
A: The bulk section at your local grocery store is a great place to start! I get mine from Thrive Market (this link will save you 40% on your first order!) and Nuts.com.
Have you tried seed cycling?! I’d love to hear your experience! And don’t forget you can sync your skincare routine to your cycle too!

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