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The Best Sleep Time Rituals That I Developed








Image of woman sitting in bed drinking a cup of tea with an eye mask around her head sitting on her forehead.

One of the best rituals to develop is your nighttime wind down! When it comes to rituals, I always say start with the ‘bookends’ —your morning and night rituals. The reality is we can’t always control everything that happens during the day, but we can control how we start and end our day. This will have the biggest impact on your energy, mood, and productivity all day long!

Now I’m in bed early! The deepest sleep due to hormones and circadian rhythms happens between 10 pm – 6 am, which is why I aim to be in bed no later than 9:30 pm.

If you are waking up still feeling tired, I highly recommend you get into bed earlier.

Download your *free* Holistic Sleep Guide >

Sleep rituals are a cue to your brain and body that sleep is coming and shift your body into a relaxed mode so that you can have the best night’s sleep.

Every day does not look as structured as this, but I hope my sleep time rituals give you some inspiration and encouragement to guard that YOU time, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Cultivating sleep time rituals does not need to be rigid or perfect—find rituals that bring you joy and peace! Are there days when life and work happens and I’m on my phone or computer at night, YES, and that’s ok!

Image of woman sitting in bed with a sleep eye mask on her forehead, a cup of tea in her hand reading a book getting ready for bed.

My Sleep Time Rituals

6:30 | 15 minute power clean up

I outline this simple power clean up HERE. This will help clear your brain from some overwhelm so you can go to bed with a “clean slate” and set up your next day for success. Make a cup of sleepy tea while you tidy up. At a minimum, I always gather the dirty laundry and prep one load for the morning.

6:45 | Nighttime Face Cleansing

Cleansing your face, lighting a candle or taking a soak in the bath isn’t just about self care or skin health—these rituals signal your brain to start winding down for the night.

Step 1: CLEANSE / I adore this luxurious, dreamy Cleansing Oil—it removes grime, hydrates and gives you a youthful glow.

Step 2: TREAT / I alternate between the Overnight Resurfacing Peel (gently resurfaces your skin while you wear) or 1-2 times a week I use the AHA Smoothing Mask (this is like a facial in a bottle and your skin will look and feel new)!

Step 3: MOISTURIZE / Depending on the season or how dry my skin is, I alternate between Blue Tansy Soothing Cream, Supreme Cream and Countertime Antioxidant Cream.

6:45-7pm | Magnesium bath or shower

This is one of my favorite times of the evening and no matter how the day went, I always feel so refreshed after. If I’m taking a bath, I fill up the tub and add magnesium flakes—magnesium is a nutrient most women are deficient in and also an anti-stress nutrient which will really help you sleep!

A bath shifts the nervous system from sympathetic (stress) mode to parasympathetic (relax) mode and is crucial for a good night sleep!

7:15pm | PJs on first!

You all know this is one of my go-to self care tips and top 3 daily rituals—if you have little ones, always get into your PJs first. Often I take a quick shower before dinner and get into my PJs really early. This will make your whole night that much more enjoyable.

This allows me put on my own oxygen mask first. I love that it also shows my family that I choose to intentionally take care of myself—I think its so important to actively live out our rituals for our family as they mimic us!

Favorite PJs: I have 2 pairs of these washable silk PJs (they are just that good!), Mate the Label (organic!), Cuyana, Lake Pajamas

7:15-7:45pm  | Kids in bed + phone off

We take our daughter upstairs and do her whole bed time ritual. She has music playing in her room so it’s always calming for everyone. I find that when I am already cleaned and in PJs, her time is that much more enjoyable and patient for everyone. 

After she’s in bed, I’ll usually check my phone one more time then put it on airplane mode and away for the night. This has helped me sooooo much calm my mind and anxiety at night as often my mind can be racing.

8-9pm | Time with hubby + bedtime snack

We’ll do something relaxing, usually watch a show or he’ll play his guitar….best advice here…do something that relaxes you. Your list will be different from mine. Relaxing does not always look like reading a book with calming music. Your definition of relaxing is uniquely yours!

Usually about 8-8:30pm, I’ll have a bed time snack to keep my blood sugar stable through the night. If you find yourself waking in the middle of the night, try this tip. Keep this to a few bites, something low in sugar and high in fat with a bit of carbohydrates, so it could be a handful of nuts. ½ apple with nut butter, some yogurt with a bit of granola, a few crackers with some cheese slices. You’ll notice a big difference in your sleep here!!

9-9:30pm | Get into bed + take sleep supplements

My best encouragement is to transition to your bed sooner than later! This signals your brain sleep is approaching and will really help you wind down, even if you do something relaxing in your bed for 30 minutes before sleeping. 

At this point, I’ll take my sleep supplements—read the full guide to Best Natural Sleep Remedies >

  • Magnesium lotion: the body’s anti-stress mineral, magnesium helps you sleep, relieves anxiety and calms stress hormones
  • CBD Sleep Gummies: CBD has been a game changer for my sleep—deeper, restorative sleep, falling asleep quickly and waking up refreshed. flourish for 15% off your first order!
  • Sleep Support: I LOVE this one as it works in the moment but the star ingredient L-Theanine supports long term healing and gets at the root cause of why you aren’t sleeping.

9:30-10pm | Light’s OUT!

I ALWAYS use a silk sleep mask and ear plugs —seriously a non negotiable for the best sleep ever. The darkness and slight pressure on your eyes puts you to sleep quickly!!

What are your favorite sleep rituals for the best sleep?!

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